Adding a wrist and an elbow to the Mini Robot Hand using 2 more TGY-306G-HV servos.
Servo Horns are replaced with integrated Aluminium clamps. It cuts down on the part count.
Grasping the Pencil is easy. Getting the timing right to throw takes a lot of practice (I'm using a RC Transmitter). Now for some precise micro-controller timing.
The hand is all metal and is fully ball raced. A single RC servo controls the hand's functions. Clockwise rotation closes the four fingers. Anti-clockwise rotation pulls in the thumb and closes the whole hand. The hand is made mostly of Aluminium with some brass tubing. Multifilament is used for the tendons.
A figure 8 pulley system wraps around the bearings, links the two joints for each finger.
The 12 bearings are 5x2x2mm
The servo is Turnigy TGY-306G-HV. Servo range extended to about 200degrees by adding 1K resistors on either side of the servo potentiometer
Size: 77mm long, 34mm wide (excluding thumb), 15mm high - Finger length 30mm